Report and analysis according to the system of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature (5BL, New Medicine, GNM, German New Medicine).
A woman 40 year old came to me with a medically diagnosed case of breast cancer. She had 2 adenocarcinomas and one intraductal tumor. These tumors ranged in size from 3 to 5 cm. The medical doctors wanted to perform a mastectomy's and then subject her to chemotherapy.
She was right handed and her right breast was affected. Her husband was with her and I asked her if she was worried about her husband. They both looked at each other and I could see they knew the answer. He sheepishly asked me, "Did I cause this?"
The conflict:
He had become obsessed with his smart phone. His wife was worried and felt neglected. They had some arguments about this and there was a partial healing started demonstrated by the intraductal tumor.
The resolution:
We worked using Inner Influencing energy therapy on her feelings (and his too) As a preventive measure we also worked on the shock of diagnosis and any feelings of attack and devaluation. This was to prevent any lymphoma or other alleged "metastasis".
I told her that the two adenocarcinomas would shrink to nothing, but that the intraductal may continue to grow. It's part of the healing process I explained.
Later the intraductal tumor had doubled in size, but then started to shrink. She was declared cancer free by her oncologist 4 months later. No chemo, no drugs or scalpel. The oncologist didn't know what to say

General thoughts:
I love this work and no worries of malpractice. The worst I could be accused of is talking somebody to death. But just remember to never contradict a medical doctor.
Cell phones can cause cancer, but not in the way most think.

I must add that using energy therapies can be dangerous. It could cause a powerful healing crisis because of the sudden resolution of the conflict and perhaps send your client to the ER. Inner Influencing has built in safety buffers that ease and slow down the healing process, making it safe to use.