Impacted earwax, hearing loss due to earwax in the ear canal
Diagnoses | ![]() Report by: Ingmar Marquardt |
The report is about | Me | |||||
Gender | Male | |||||
Age | 33 years (at the time of the symptoms / disease) | |||||
Handedness | Right | |||||
Additional methods | ||||||
Categories | Observation of several similar SBS runs, e.g. multiple identical PCL phases (thereby validation of the cause) Small to medium (sore throat, lumbago, sudden hearing loss, allergies, ...) |
In the summer of 2017, I noticed for the first time that after a shower, water was stuck in my right ear that wouldn't come out and I could barely hear anything. When I pressed on my ear, there was often a loud cracking sound and I could hear again. Only that the ear would "shut up" again shortly afterwards and I could only hear very muffledly again.
It was then almost completely closed for two days and then got better when the water probably partially evaporated. Despite this, I felt pressure in my ear canal the whole time, meaning that there was some kind of space-occupying lesion there.
The water-shutting sensation repeated itself a few times over the next few months and I also felt a lump in my ear canal that didn't go away until half a year later. I'm not sure anymore, but I think it was also painful/inflamed in places.
This was the SBS of the old mesodermal sebaceous or earwax glands, which in the conflict-active phase produce cell plus and an increase in function, so that more earwax is produced.
The function is to "protect the ear", i.e. the content of the conflict is in the direction of a perceived "attack against the ear".
The overfunction caused a "lump" to form, a so-called plug, which blocked the ear canal and would not come out on its own. After six months, when it was clear that it really would not come out on its own any time soon, I had it removed (and was impressed by the size of the lump that I had dragged along in my ear canal).
Funny anecdote: Afterwards, the location of what I had heard was initially shifted, i.e. I heard a bird singing next to me, but it was sitting two meters away from where I heard it. After a few days, however, this was back to normal.
So for me it happened when our youngest son was 3 years old - in a phase with many outbursts of anger - before he learned to deal with such strong feelings. The loud screaming sometimes really hurt my ear, because there were also situations where it happened very close to my ear. I think that this was the triggering, conflict-ridden "attack on the ear" situation, with a local reference to the right ear.
The cell plus of the gland was broken down again by itself under inflammation, but as I said, I had to have the plug removed (painless, only took a few seconds).
A few years later, in the summer of 2020, our second son went through exactly the same phase and a plug formed a second time, which was sometimes noticeable with severe pain when pressure was applied (e.g. when chewing). Because of the regulations of the beginning of the Corona period, I didn't want to go to a doctor's office and tried to carefully grab the plug myself with tweezers (even though a mistake would of course put the eardrum at risk of injury). I actually managed to grab it and remove it, so that the symptoms immediately disappeared completely.
Two years later, I had it a third time. This was the time when the siblings argued a lot and it was often quite loud and stressful. This time I was not able to grab it safely and again asked for help to remove it.
Since then, the relationship between the children has been much more peaceful and they have made great progress in dealing with their feelings, so that such acoustic attacks on the ear are very rare and to date there has been no more hyperfunction.
Report translated by: Monique Hetfeld
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